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All of our posts for filmmakers.


Director Kory Martin Juul Creates CG Feature Almost Single-Handedly

Literally a one man army, acclaimed visual effects artist, director and black belt, Kory Martin Juul, has anim...

Three Online Colleges that Offer a Degree in Filmmaking

There are a number of excellent opportunities available in the entertainment field. Whether you have an intere...

Zach Braff, Kickstarter, and Financing Your Film For Free

Last week's news that Zach Braff had successfully raised over $2 million via Kickstarter to fund "Wish I Was H...

The Next Greatest Thing of the Movies... Not!

Catcalls and plaudits for Peter Jackson's 3D HFR (High-Frame-Rate for the technically challenged) version of <...

3 Tips for Terrific Title Sequences

When making a film of any sort, the time inevitably comes to credit cast and crew... in addition to the end cr...

Technicolor Adds Final Cut Pro X Support to Color Assist

In late 2012 Technicolor released Colour Assist, a grading package drawing on the company's multi-decade exper...

Kodak's 2013 Student Scholarship Program

Once mighty Kodak has taken a pretty severe beating of late and while the company has retreated from consumer ...

The Roles of a Producer

Anyone who watches movies knows that almost every film comes with a gaggle of 'producers'. In addition to

Through the Lens: Conversations with Cinematographers, Dean Cundey

In the first episode of the series, veteran cinematographer Dean Cundey ("Apollo 13", "Back to the Future", "J...

Top 5 - Crowd Funding Mistakes

The idea of crowd-funding independent films has received a lot of attention of late, with several filmmakers s...

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