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All of our posts for filmmakers.


The Sound of Prometheus

The SoundWorks Collection talks with the sound team of Director Ridley Scott's latest science fiction film "Pr...

REDucation X - Learn to Shoot RED, the 'Deep-End' Way

Kicking off in October 2012, REDucation X is a training initiative from the makers of the RED camera, one of t...

TUTORIAL - Quick Car Crash in After Effects

Ruan Lotter runs a YouTube channel called Tunnelviziontv which contains a number of interesting tutorials, pro...

So You Want To Break into Comedy Writing?

Looking around the landscape of professional comedy writers, one will find that a major breeding ground is

SeeFlik Offers Biannual Filmmaking Competition... With Cash Prizes!

In recent times there certainly hasn't been any shortage of filmmaking competitions with cash prizes. However ...

The Shaky Cam Trend

There is probably no more reviled filming technique than the "shaky cam", or the vomit cam as it is derisively...

Greeting Cards for Movie People

For when a regular greeting card just isn't right, Joan Philo has created a range of cards with filmmaking the...

How Long Should Your Short Be?

How long should your short be? An interesting question. Obviously this is determined to a large degree by th...

Editing Dialogue Tutorial: How to Edit a Dialogue Scene

Ruan Lotter runs a YouTube channel called Tunnelviziontv which contains a number of interesting tutorials, pro...

Horror Effects That Won't Scare Your Budget

Horror effects can make or break your horror film. But you do not have to blow your budget to get good effects...

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