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All of our posts for filmmakers.


3 New Skills Every Digital Editor Should Develop

Even veteran filmmakers who have a certain defined and reliable style should think about how they can make the...

Film School Thru Commentaries

Film School Thru Commentaries is an interesting blog which collates video and audio interviews with successful...

Movie Poster Cliches

Jackomatic has put together this interesting blog post, entitled 15 Over-Used Movie Poster Clichés w...

4 Reasons Why Video Glasses Could Replace External Camera Monitors

Despite the fact external monitors have dropped in price considerably over the years, they still cause many di...

The Sound of Monsters University

In this profile SoundWorks Collection talks with Sound Designer Tom Myers of Skywalker Sound about his work on...

Lucas & Spielberg's Death Knell and What it Means for Indie Creators

At a recent talk at the USC School of Cinematic Arts, George Lucas and Stephen Spielberg made some interesting...

The Changing Shape of Cinema: The History of Aspect Ratio

Ever stopped to think about just how we ended up with the film and video aspect ratios we now take for granted...

The future of cinema and TV: It's game over for the hi-res hype

Not deterred by receiving a 'meh' from the marketplace after a big advertising push for 3D televisions, the co...

How to Create Subtitles

Unless you happen to be a true polyglot, chances are you've relied on subtitles to make sense of things at som...

What Could Remake-Obsessed Hollywood Learn From Shakespeare?

If there's one thing everybody likes to do in Hollywood, it's complain about remakes. One article after anothe...

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